This from Howard Fineman of Newsweek on a Q&A concerning Karl Rove, here.
"Torrance, CA: Why is it that so little attention has been given as to why on earth the CIA would have sent someone like Joe Wilson in the first place?
Howard Fineman: Very good question. My theory is that the CIA didnt like the idea of going into Iraq and wanted to send someone who would help make the case against going in. CIA and State were at odds with DOD and the Veep's office on Iraq from the git go. I wrote about it on the Web in 2003 and think I'm right. "
So, maybe that's why we're getting all we're getting. What kind of help were folks at the CIA looking for? Its no secret (excuse the pun) that the CIA and the State Department have been anti-administration. Alot of the shake-ups and personnel changes have been a result of this feud, the lousy job the CIA did in the first place concerning pre 9/11 intelligence, and State's UN (show that anti-USA) oriented foreign policy. Hitting back at an effective Republican strategist like Rove seems in order for the opposition. Shoot, if they didn't I wouldn't have much respect for them to hit back. Kind of reminds me of "The Untouchables" and that Sean Connery line about the Chicago Way...
"You wanna know how you do it? Here's how, they pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. That's the Chicago way, and that's how you get Capone! Now do you want to do that? Are you ready to do that?"
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Friday, July 22, 2005

Reports coming in this morning that London police (with guns) chased down a suspect from yesterday's bombing attempts and shot him dead. One Limeys keep it up.
UPDATE: Evidently the guy was a Brazilian that didn't understand English and is not apparently connected to the terrorists in any way. Now the British Police are saying "sorry". Wrong move. The language thing is no excuse. At least some British civil rights groups are saying not to rush to judgement on the police action, considering the environment London is operating under. On the other hand, Muslim spokesmen are whining about how their young Muslim men are 'feeling', that they're afraid. Good. Maybe they'll finally figure out that if they don't want Islam hijacked by extremist thugs and ultimately have Islam outlawed as a religion in the West, they better get cracking.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Ya' gotta love CNN...
(CNN) -- Nearly 25,000 civilians have been killed in Iraq since the start of the Iraq war, according to a group that tracks such statistics from media reports.
The Iraq Body Count -- a London-based group comprised of academics, human rights and anti-war activists -- said on Tuesday that 24,865 civilians had died between March 20, 2003 and March 19, 2005.
The group said 42,500 injuries were recorded as well.
Academics....human rights activists...anti-war activists. Now there's some folks with no axe to grind. Surely all those media reports are accurate, right? Besides that...anti-war activists? Can't that be considered some type of oxymoron? I mean, anybody out there a "pro-war" activist? Anybody? Just raise your hand...anybody...oh Saddam, put your hand down...we know you're a pro.
When are we going to wake up out there? Islamic extremists are out to kill anybody thats not an Islamic extremist, a supporter, or in the case of too many other Muslims, enablers. I'm not sure the last two groups are neccesarily safe, either.
The Iraq Body Count -- a London-based group comprised of academics, human rights and anti-war activists -- said on Tuesday that 24,865 civilians had died between March 20, 2003 and March 19, 2005.
The group said 42,500 injuries were recorded as well.
Academics....human rights activists...anti-war activists. Now there's some folks with no axe to grind. Surely all those media reports are accurate, right? Besides that...anti-war activists? Can't that be considered some type of oxymoron? I mean, anybody out there a "pro-war" activist? Anybody? Just raise your hand...anybody...oh Saddam, put your hand down...we know you're a pro.
When are we going to wake up out there? Islamic extremists are out to kill anybody thats not an Islamic extremist, a supporter, or in the case of too many other Muslims, enablers. I'm not sure the last two groups are neccesarily safe, either.
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Can it be any more blatant? Watch this video...
Some five years ago, the mainstream media had made the connection between Al Qaeda and Saddam. Check this video out from ABC News . Somehow it was OK for the media to connect the dots back in 2000, but if its George Bush's administration, all of a sudden the connection is non existent, and he 'lied'. BTW, if you don't have Realplayer, you'll need it.
Hat tip to Powerline on posting this one
Hat tip to Powerline on posting this one
Monday, July 11, 2005
How many wake-up calls do we need?

The most recent attack in London bears out one of the big problems facing us in the war on terror. No one else seems to know there is one, and if they do, they don't want to fight in it. By and large, the war in Iraq has been unpopular in England. Tony Blair has taken a considerable amount of flack and lost some political mojo in his unwavering support of our position before and during the current action in Iraq. At home, Brits have allowed their country to become a crossroads and sanctuary for Islamic Extremists to operate and grow unfettered in their midst. It will be interesting to see how they ultimately react and if they'll clean up the mess they made for the sake of 'tolerance'. Lets hope this doesn't become another Spain.
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