Tuesday, September 27, 2005

So, what started all the hubbub?

Some of the reactions you see below concern the anti-war protest over the weekend.

Democracy Now!, a group that considers CNN part of the corporate media conspiracy that supports the evil aims of the current government(now that's leaning left, buddy!) advised that the anti war protest brought in somewhere between 100,000 and 300,000 participants. They had no basis in fact for coming up with that number, or more precisely, that wildly exaggerated estimation. I called the bloggerators at 'Skippy, the Bush Kangaroo' that linked to D.N. out on that number, and the discussion got pretty lively, and in some cases, pretty tasteless. Considering I was outnumbered, I did the best that I could.

This is what you get from 'progressive' blog sites...

Been commenting over at some other blogs with 'other' perspectives than mine. This doesn't happen all the time, but often enough. Here's the latest...

Uhm, let's start over, right wing troll. You're stuck on stupid. That's right. You're stuck on stupid. You're spewing million gillion billions of words to justify some stupid political idology of some sort or another. Well I got news for you. Reality don't give a shit what your ideological bullshit is. Anybody who calls themselves "liberal" or "conservative" rather than simply *AMERICAN* is literally STUCK ON STUPID. I'm not going to addres syour bullshit because that's just what it is -- bullshit. All I gotta say is this: When you're interested in figuring out what's right for America and Americans rather than in scoring ideological bullshit points, I'll be happy to address any concerns you have. But right now, you're stuck on stupid, and you wouldn't listen to me anyhow so why waste my breath? - Badtux the American Penguin

Oh and this one too...

Why do any of you want to deal with this piece of filth? Why respond? You can't win an argument with a schizophrenic. You can't change the mind of a True Believer -- and I don't want to. I just want to know how to flatten them into the ground.

Update: I just now figured out that Badtux follows an offshoot of Existentialism referred to as "Excrement(It really exists! Check out Wikpedia.) Existentialism", hence the multiple references to that material, bless his heart.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

"It don't mean a thang without that transcendental swing"

I came across this article from http://www.lashawnbarber.com/ this evening. The link to the article is set below. Charles Murray, co-author of The Bell Curve, advises that our level of human accomplishment for the last 1200 years or so can be tied pretty much to our relationship with God. Interesting reading. When one looks back at all the great things written in ages past, it begs the question, "what have we done lately?" That might explain why things have pretty much gone to heck in a handbag since WW I, the rise of Communism, and pretty much every breakdown in civilization one could think of. To do a 180 on Rick Warren, its what we get when we have purposeless lives, eh?

Monday, September 19, 2005

So much for Hillary playing both ends against the middle

Courtesy of Michelle Malkin's post, here's the latest. In a New York Post article here We have Sheehan going after Hillary, who's going after Bush for not putting enough Military in Iraq. Poetic justice for all involved...

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Crocodile Tears

Remember when we got this story and this video? This guy, Mr. Broussard was crying his eyes out in front of Tim Russert and a national TV audience. The gov'mint had abandoned New Orleans. He was crying over a woman that died at a nursing home. The son (not Mr. Broussard, BTW) kept hearing from her mom day after day after day asking if she would be rescued. Well, come to find out she died at the nursing home on August 29th, when storm came in. How in the heck was the mom calling day after day if she had already passed away? Now, the nursing home owners are facing charges that they did not act to evacuate the nursing home. Oddly enough, the owners made it out. Why not the residents? What does Mr. Broussard have to tell Tim Russert about now? Is he crying over that? Forget about the other part of the interview where he said FEMA turned away the Red Cross (It was the locals, actually). If I were a conspiracy theorist, I'd say that this was part of it, but you don't have to have marching orders from the DNC to take your own shots at Bush. Too bad they don't take shots at the real problems like border control and out of control spending. Cry me a river Mr. Broussard...

UPDATE: Per Cookie Jill's request, here is the link to the most comprehensive breakdown of the Brossard breakdown, with tip of the hat to Wuzzadem.

UPDATE: NBC has now issued a correction:

"New details and interviews with the son whose mother died in the flood show that the tragedy unfolded from Saturday through Monday, Aug. 29 — not Monday through Friday, Sept. 2 as recounted by Broussard. The owners of the nursing home were indicted Tuesday for the deaths of more than 30 residents, which officials say occurred on Aug. 29."

How in the world can this guy have provided so much detail, and ALL of it wrong?