Thursday, October 15, 2009

So THAT'S how it works....

Found this little blurb on What struck me was how a government's policies can drive away business, and how government ownership of major industries play a part. Government A, which owns the utility company says it's tripling rates to cover a budget that has nothing to do with providing electricity. Company B that's wanting to build a facility there shakes the dust off its corporate raiment, and hits the road.
Any lessons to be learned?
Government run businesses(like healthcare) can mess things up.
Or, as I would say, "What are ya, nuts?"

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Who'da thought I'd be gettin this kind of reaction?

Y'know...with all that's been going on since the election, I've just had this 'thing' roiling around in me that needed to come out, and so here is the result. The reaction to Ol' Bob here and his new lyrics for a song nearly as old as I am has been universally positive, so thanks to all that have commented and encouraged me in the effort. I'm not done though. I plan to make it to Washington DC on September 12, guitar in hand, and hopefully in better voice than brother Bob. Let our voices be heard. Let us not let each other, or our progeny, down.


Friday, March 27, 2009

Its written on their faces...

"Bank execs vow to work with Obama on recovery plan", says the AP.

I've seen happier guys on their way to the gas chamber.

I can imagine that Ken Lewis, far right, is trying to calculate how many days it will take to pay all that fed money back so he can go back from being a mere serf to CEO, if he can

Don't laugh, kiddies. We may be next.