Tuesday, November 08, 2005

French Riots, Immigration, Mark Steyn, and Teddy Roosevelt

Chicago Sun-Times columnist Mark Steyn has some analysis of what's happening in France that is not only a history lesson, but spot on. Had the French imposed the Teddy Roosevelt model (see below) of assimilation into their society, they wouldn't be having these problems now. Its no wonder now why France couldn't support an invasion of Iraq. But, here's the real problem. It wouldn't have mattered. What matters is showing weakness to these Islamic thugs. If there's no strong, head busting, "you're outta here!" reaction to this kind of behavior, they'll do this again, and worse. It won't be for the sake of freedom that they continue to torch, pillage, and murder. It will be for control of France. We need to also turn attention to our own situation here. If we continue to allow huge numbers of people to come into this country that refuse to assimilate fully to an "American" way of life, including language and culture, the blessings we enjoy as Americans will go up in flames as well.

Teddy Roosevelt was right...

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