Tuesday, February 07, 2006

OK. Let me explain about "budget cuts"...

There's been some bloviating going on about the President's budget concerning "budget cuts" on some domestic programs. Democrats are accusing Bush of taking money from seniors, children, and probably my dog to pay for guns and to give big businesses tax breaks. Arrggh...

When our guys in Washington announce a budget cut for any program, its not a cut.

Huh? Wuzzat? That's right, its not a cut after all.

Back in 1974, Congress set forth a baseline regarding any budget calculations. All budget calculations run off this baseline. Well, any government program will have a built in increase in its budget from year to year, based on the 1974 baseline. They don't have to pass a bill to increase the budget on a given program. It gets bigger all on its own. When they say they're cutting the program, they're simply reducing the amount that program is growing.

Did you hear that? The programs aren't staying the same, or getting smaller. They're simply growing at a slower pace. When Republicans announce they're cutting programs, it sounds like we're spending less money this year than last. Wrong. When Democrats accuse Republicans (or vice versa) of cutting programs, its sounds like gramma is out on the street. Wrong again.



Anonymous said...

OK. Let me explain about "reducing the amount that program is growing". When a program grows less than inflation and population growth it is a cut.

Let me make it real simple for those in the conservative cesspool:
Let's say I promise to buy you a new Volkswagen when you graduate from homeschool and then give you $4,000 to buy a brand new VW. I am astonished by your bloviating! I tell you that I could have bought a new Volkswagen in 1974 for $3,500, so I'm giving you more than the cost of a new VW, and you are not giving me credit for my extra generostiy. Arrggh...Huh?

Guitanguran said...

Thanks for the lesson Jim.

One question would be: at what actual rate of increase do you think most social programs have grown in the last 30 years?

Also, why does any program merit an automatic increase. Where's the oversight?

Finally, if you're the government, and you're giving me a car, that means you had to hold up someone else with a threat of jailtime to pay their taxes, to give it to me. That's not a Constitutional right, its an entitlement.