Friday, August 17, 2007

A Glutton For Punishment: Part V

So, what else have I found in my travels?

  • Non-belief in God is genetically determined, no kidding!

As to the non-belief gene, here's a quote from a blog:"I may contest that the chance of god is a small percentage; however, that is not my predisposition. It's not incorporated within me. Belief isn't something one can choose to do." Now when pressed a little, my atheist counterpart allowed that it might be a combination of nature and nurture.

Even so, she repeated her earlier declaration this way: "You simply cannot choose to believe in something." There were other posters on that blog that agreed.

Wow. I was stunned, baffled, flabbergasted, taken aback, dumb-founded, flummoxed!

I don't think she actually thought through the implications of that statement. It would stand to reason that the converse should be true, that one simply can't choose NOT to believe.

Its not up to us..."well if I was born that way, I'm not responsible for what I do or don't believe."

Zero accountability! Y'know, they may be on to something...

Speaking of genetics, there was one other thing I found interesting in that post:

"Yet I wonder what's the obsession with calling something "god"? "

If we can point to something genetic, inborn if you will, I think that'd be it.

  • Atheists are trying to come up with some type of iconic representation of their non-belief.

I saw a red "A" which I think Professor Dawkins came up with. I think the obvious reference to Nathanial Hawthorne's tome would confuse the issue. I'm sure they'll come up with something. After all, there's the Cross and the Star of David. Why not something representing um....well, what do you have really? I'm thinking a blank slate. There's nothing on there to begin with, and you can put anything on it you want...


Interested said...

"I don't think she actually thought through the implications of that statement. It would stand to reason that the converse should be true, that one simply can't choose NOT to believe."

I couldn't agree more. We neither choose to believe or not to believe. Kinda' like falling in love. It isn't often that we choose to love or not love that person. Have you ever loved someone who didn't love you back? Have you ever been love by someone whom you could not love? I have and it is not a choice to love or not love.

My parents and my entire family are religious. I have 4 children; 3 are strong believers, one is not. Predisposition is not in there either.

Guitanguran said...

Can you shoose between Skippy or Peter Pan at the store? Of course!

Can you sit on a jury and determine the truthfulness of the testimony for the defense and for the prosecution? Bet you can.

Can you search the internet and verify or debunk any outrageous claims made by blogging lunatic Christianist fundamentalists like myself? No problemo.

Well I think (no, wait...I know) you can choose to believe or not believe the Gospel.

Now being willing to turn loose of your unbelief, that's a different matter.

God'll take you anyway you want to show up, believing or not. All you gotta do is ask for proof.

At the risk of tremendous amount of hubris, maybe He's working thru me, eh?