Saturday, January 22, 2005

Just call 'em like you see 'em...

Diana West of the Washington Times posts her column
concerning the inauguration speech. Her contention is we (Bush) need to stop calling it a "war on terror" and call it a "war against Islam", at least the kind that buys into Jihad and either converting or killing all infidels (that most likely means you and me). According to her article, that segment of Islam represents 10% of Muslims in the world. Ten percent, you say? What's ten percent? Approximately 100 million Muslims. She can't be serious, can she? All this bombing and beheading stuff in Iraq is merely political intimidation in the guise of following Muhammed, right? They really don't believe that "kill all the infidels" stuff. Well now, lets go local and think about that Coptic Christian family, including an 8 year old daughter, in New Jersey that was murdered, execution style, bound and gagged, and throats slit. I have no dots to connect here. That would be a job for the police. I would note that the FBI is in on the investigation. There is, after all, a "war on terror" going on, but who is doing the terrorizing? What do you see, and how would you call it?

1 comment:

Jared King said...

Well, I believe that God has three covenants: Marriage, The Church and Government. We know Jesus teaches to love thy brother and they enemy. I don't think the Muslim extremists believe in love thy brother unless they convert to Islam or die. In scripture, God can give Government the role to destory evil. Basically "God's Wrath". So, in the context of Government, we can only pray we our Government is doing to right thing to destroy terriorism and you can call it whatever you want, "Jihad, War on Terriorism."

Individual we must love one another, but only through Government must we attempt to destroy evil.