Monday, February 28, 2005

Do you see what I see?

Lets take some inventory, shall we?

Afghanistan: free of Taliban rule and having democratic elections. Check.

Iraq: free of Saddam and on its way to a democratically elected government. Check.

Palestinians: Almost acting like a nation with elections. Check.

Libya: renouncing terrorism, paying back victims of said terrorism,
and dismantling its terrorist system. Check.

Egypt: Hosni Mubarek calling for more 'open' elections

Lebannon: Its citizens in revolt ( and peaceful, BTW) against their Syrian oppressors, the Syrian backed government resigning. Check.

Syria: now coughing up some major Baathists hiding from Iraqi justice: Check

Awwww, maybe its just my imagination that Freedom and Liberty are compatible with Middle Eastern cultures. That people, no matter where they are or where they came from all want that same kind of freedom. Maybe all the usual suspects are figuring out that they need to start running the opposite direction now, merely to get in front of this march to Freedom, or risk being left behind in its dust, or worse, trampled beneath it. Maybe standing on principle and not backing down from a fight with Evil in whatever form it takes, get results. Maybe going it alone or with less allies than you'd like when you know the cause is right is actually the right thing to do. Maybe it is just my imagination after all...

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