Tuesday, August 07, 2007

A Glutton For Punishment: Part IV

So what else have I learned about Atheists?
  • They're an oppressed minority.
  • Its high time they came out of their atheist closets.

A common theme I'm seeing in atheist websites here is this concern that western countries like the US are mimicking the Taliban in creating an oppressive, all encompassing theocracy. Between fundamentalist politicians setting the ten commandments out in the public square and crackpot pseudo-scientific-warmed over creationism nutjobs wanting Intelligent Design taught in schools, they're feeling the noose of religious intolerance slowly tightening around them. The total takeover by religious fundamentalists of every aspect of American life is just around the corner! Can public stonings be very far behind? They shudder at the prospect.


Now, taking a page out of the 'oppressed minorities that have no ethnic or racial component to designate them as such' playbook, they have this compunction to 'come out' as it were and tell people they're atheists, and darn proud of it.

double sigh...


Interested said...

I so disagree with you. We are not an oppressed minority. We may be a minority but there are more of us than you know. Unfortunately our society does not look favorably upon atheist so some choose to stay quiet. However more and more are coming out. Check out the Richard Dawkins site or the Blasphemy Challenge. We are there and we are in high places.

Guitanguran said...

Interesting that you say that. Just saw a posting on atheisthussy with the line, " Atheism: Its like being gay in the 80's"

Sounds like somebody feels that way...