So, I'm not a scientist, but can we just rely on our common sense to see the snowdrifts for the flakes, to coin a phrase? Its snowing in Vegas fer' cryin' out loud! Speaking of seeing things, I'm sure everyone's noticed by now that 'global warming' is no longer the term in vogue. It has since morphed into 'climate change'. Why? Well when all your climate models predicting all these dire circumstances from CO2 overload don't jive, you change the terminology to allow your climate theory to still be valid. Kind of like shaving the corners off that square peg before attempting to force into that round hole. As my old boss used to say, "If it don't fit, force it. If it still don't fit, get a bigger hammer. And if it breaks, it needed fixin' anyway."
So, no matter if it snows in Vegas and Malibu or if we get record cold temperatures nationally or globally, its still due to our carbon footprint, somehow.
Excessive Carbon Dioxide = White Christmas. Okey dokey.
No matter if the climate data actually shows our record high temperatures during the Depression rather than 1999, its all about climate 'change'. I suppose we can load up all this snow and ice here and pile it up at the North Pole, as Al Gore says its all melting in 5 years.
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