Monday, January 03, 2005

Hey! Rap degrades women...So what was their first clue?

Picked up on a NYPost column by Stanley Crouch here. In effect, Essence Magazine, a publication geared toward black women, is going to oppose certain kinds of rap/hiphop music that is so degrading to women, among other things too numerous to elaborate here. The wholesale assault against anything remotely related to morals or generally acceptable behavior or ideas that rap music has become is finally getting some pushback from the people it attacks. In reading the column and the quotes in it, I was dumbfounded. It was as if some 40 watt bulb finally went off over someone's head. Here it is 2005, and the group most targeted by rap 'artists'...that's right, women, are just now figuring it out? Better late than never, I reckon...

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