I'm not saying there isn't any help coming from the international community, I just haven't heard of any other country stepping up to help us like we help everyone else. If I do, I'll be sure to put up a list. Waiting...
Ah, here we go. Lots of telegrams and expressions of sympathy. The Swiss people are asking where they can donate. That's one. Jihadists expressing glee...to be expected. Debate in Vienna on whether they should donate to such a rich country. Environmental groups blaming the United States for the global warming that created the conditions for the hurricane. Netherlands, and rightfully so, wondering why we haven't got things done like they have. Anybody else want to actually help? Still waiting...
This Administration has turned away lots of help from other countries.
The latest I heard was 15 tons of food from Germany.
All that aid kind of puts us in a tough spot, huh? Are we too rich and powerful to accept it, and should we? Well, at least UN official had it right when he said since the USA was always there and always with the most, we deserved some help...this time.
The first commentor was right... there has been lots of aid offered from other countries, but america keeps turning it down. In my opinion I think we should have taken it, I don't care how rich we are, people need food and since our own government hasn't done such a good job w/the whole situation, we should stop turning down help from other countries. For instance: a specialized crew, trained for this type of disaster was turned away. it's so sad. just thought i'd leave my opinion!
Thanks Cindy. So, how does the average German citizen think of the USA these days?
ooops that was Mindy, sorry!
What does the average German citizen think of the US? Hmm...i wouldn't say they hate americans, but they do hate George Bush, our government and a lot of things we do (both the country and an american's typical we-are-better-than-the-world attitude)... I don't hide the fact that I'm an American living in Germany, however I also don't wear a huge sign everday that says "I'm proud to be an American." People are friendly to me, even if I am an American.. but they really don't like our government. I suspect here is a lot like many other countries in the world. Hope that makes sense and answers your question!
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