OK, the monkey thing might have been a cheap shot, but you do appreciate the comic irony, don't you? On a more serious note, we've got Sandy Berger stuffing documents into his socks right as the 9/11 Commission is having hearings? For his sake, I hope it was mere coincidence. We've got lawyers in the Pentagon (Clinton adminstration lawyers) that said a terror suspect, a non-citizen with a US visa, gets the same protection as a US citizen? Finally, we've got 9/11 Commission members (including Clinton administration official, Gorelick, that signed off on keeping the walls up in the first place) denying ever getting, or seeing, or being notified, or... wait! 'Yeah, we got the info on Able Danger, but...'
Gee...thanks guys, for all the hard work...and forthrightness.
This reiterates the basic problem with our intelligence capabilities concerning terror, but it also reiterates how few politicians in this country (red or blue, take your pick) have enough courage to put out the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
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